
How to Set a New Year's Weight Loss Resolution That Works

Jan 19, 2024

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How to Set a New Year's Weight Loss Resolution That Works

It’s not just Hollywood that’s obsessed with reboots. Many of us look to January 1 each year as the day to turn over a new leaf, set goals for self-improvement and lifestyle balance, and even start planning that once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Among the most common resolutions topping the list is weight loss

Perhaps it’s been a New Year’s resolution for you before. There are many of us with lofty goals upon which we stumble. Perhaps you’re setting a new goal after completing last year’s resolution, or maybe it’s your first time. 

At University Bariatrics, we’re all about weight loss. While our primary focus is bariatric surgery and revisions, we also provide nonsurgical, medically assisted weight loss services for those who may not need or qualify for bariatric procedures. 

You can hit the ground running with weight loss in the New Year. However, there are some important things to keep in mind that will aid your success. We’ve collected some of these here to help you formulate a weight loss resolution that works. 

Assess your readiness

Are you ready to commit to long-term weight loss? This is a fundamental point upon which many resolutions fail. It takes preparation to start an effective weight loss plan, and it’s more than simply purchasing healthier groceries or joining a gym. Ask yourself these questions and remove the barriers suggested by “no” answers: 

  • Am I truly motivated to lose weight?
  • Do I have the time necessary to commit?
  • Am I ready to change my eating and activity habits? 
  • Will the presence of stress disrupt healthy eating? 
  • Do I need additional support to achieve my goals? 

Support may be a network of friends or family or medical assistance from Dr. Amir Mehran and his team at University Bariatrics. Studies show that medically supervised weight management programs produce measurably better results.

Set realistic goals

Sustainable weight loss usually happens on a slow but steady basis. Losing one to two pounds weekly is realistic and achievable for most people, as is a weight loss target of 5% of your body weight. 

It may help to think in terms of process goals. Weight targets are outcome goals; while these are good to have, they’re finish lines. Process goals define your journey. For example, adding 30 minutes a day of brisk walking in two 15-minute segments is a process goal that helps you achieve and sustain your outcomes. 

Alter your diet balanced

You don’t always need to make wholesale changes to how you eat. It’s less likely you’ll stick to an eating plan if you change to foods with which you’re unfamiliar or don’t know how to prepare. 

Instead, look at things like portion sizes and the balance between proteins, starches, and fruits and vegetables. Boosting your intake of plant-based foods and whole grains, choosing smaller portions of meats and dairy, and eliminating refined and processed foods lets you enjoy the foods you know and love while promoting a lower calorie intake. 

Boost your activity

We already looked at walking as a process goal and cutting calorie intake is another. Adding weight or resistance training regularly delivers muscle maintenance to the cardio benefits of walking, and it’s another calorie burner. 

You’ll need to burn about 500 to 1000 calories a day more than you eat to achieve that two-pound per week target. Build in exercise that fits your lifestyle, and weight loss becomes sustainable. 

Weight management is a habit. Keep that in mind as you plan your resolution. Contact University Bariatrics for medical assistance with your weight loss goals. You can make an appointment by phone or online with our nearest office. It might be your most important first step in the new year. Book your visit today. 

University Bariatrics