
Sleeve Gastrectomy


Sleeve Gastrectomy services offered in Thousand Oaks and Greater Los Angeles area.

A sleeve gastrectomy can help you lose up to 100 pounds in the year after your surgery. At University Bariatrics in Thousand Oaks, California, esteemed bariatric surgery specialist Amir Mehran, MD, provides exemplary care at University Bariatrics. To learn how a sleeve gastrectomy can help you lose weight and improve your health, call the nearest office or click on the online scheduling feature.


What is a sleeve gastrectomy?

A sleeve gastrectomy, or laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a procedure to remove around 80% of the stomach. This procedure creates a tubular stomach that’s comparable in size to a banana.

The removed portion of your stomach contains a hormone called ghrelin, or the “hunger hormone.” Removing the ghrelin helps you to feel full faster, and the reduced room in your stomach restricts food intake. 

The surgeons at University Bariatrics were the first in the Southern California area to support the use of gastric sleeve as a reliable and effective weight loss option, so they have unparalleled expertise in this area. 

How much weight can I expect to lose with sleeve gastrectomy?

On average, patients who undergo sleeve gastrectomy lose 80-100 pounds at the one-year mark following their procedure. In fact, only 10-15% of patients regain a significant amount of weight, even years after their surgery. 

How is a sleeve gastrectomy different from a gastric bypass?

A gastric bypass procedure reroutes your intestines, but a sleeve gastrectomy does not. This means you don’t have to worry about vitamin and mineral malabsorption with a sleeve gastrectomy. 

However, you may develop a mild mineral deficiency that’s easily resolved with a multivitamin once a day. A sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t disrupt medication absorption or function either. 

With a gastric bypass, the average weight loss is higher at 100-150 pounds in one year. So, a gastric bypass may lead to more weight loss, but it’s also a more complex procedure. 

Your University Bariatrics surgeon can discuss the risks and benefits of each procedure to help you choose the ideal one for your needs and goals. 

How does sleeve gastrectomy compare with Lap-Band®?

Adjustable gastric bands is a procedure with an extremely high complication rate and an 85-100% re-operation rate. They require regular adjustments, but many people don’t receive the follow-up care they need to succeed with adjustable gastric bands. 

Adjustable gastric bands tend to slip and loosen, and they’re also the cause of many complications like acid reflux, Barrett’s esophagus, and abdominal pain. 

Many of these issues may simply be because a adjustable gastric bands is a foreign object in your body, which is likely to cause serious issues down the road. The University Bariatrics specialists don’t offer Lap-Bands because their years of experience have shown that Lap-Bands have too high of a risk with too low of a reward.

A sleeve gastrectomy simply removes part of your stomach; no foreign objects are inserted. On average, people lose more weight with a sleeve gastrectomy versus a Lap-Band, and sleeve gastrectomy requires far less maintenance. 

Many people who need adjustable gastric bands revision surgery opt for a sleeve gastrectomy at the same time, so they can get good results without endangering their health. 

To learn more about sleeve gastrectomy, call University Bariatrics or click on the provided booking tool now. 

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University Bariatrics