
Top 3 Long-term Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Sep 27, 2017

Top 3 Long-term Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Weight-loss surgery is becoming more and more of a common practice. It is a safe and effective solution for obesity in the United States and beyond. But what are the long-term benefits of bariatric surgery?

Studies have been performed and have shown that the benefits of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) surgery last FOR 12 YEARS!

Today, we’ll be discussing the three biggest long-term benefits of bariatric surgery that are sure to stick around in the long term.


When people receive a bariatric procedure, what is their main goal?

To lose weight!

The biggest long-term benefit of bariatric surgery is that your weight loss remains YEARS after the doctors are done. 12 years after the RYGB patients maintained a 28% change in weight.

This is consistent with results 2 years post-surgery as well as 6 years. So, if you’re looking to lose weight and keep it off for the far foreseeable future, gastric bypass could be your option.


With obesity often comes comorbidities. This is when a patient has two chronic diseases or conditions at the same time. This frequently comes as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, COPD, and general pain.

Health improvements come with dramatic, healthy weight loss. In many cases type 2 diabetes went into remission. If not in remission, patients showed a significant improvement regardless.

Patients do not have to take or spend money on insulin after their gastric bypass. Less weight also means less stress on their joints and muscles. Patients don’t have to take painkillers regularly either.

In the long-term, recipients of bariatric surgery were able to save a considerable amount of money with this reduced spending on medication.


Some of the comorbidities mentioned above affect the cardiovascular system. When surgery sends obesity into remission, the ill effects follow suit. The RYGB has shown to improve HDL and LDL cholesterol levels as well as triglyceride levels.

In addition, bariatric surgery has seen improvement in hypertension for patients!


If you’re looking to lose weight and keep it off or receive any of the other long-term benefits of bariatric surgery, give us a call.

We’re the premier practice for weight-loss surgery. We offer the previously mentioned Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as well as the vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

If you’re interested in a temporary, reversible procedure, try the gastric balloon. We have affiliated health professionals who will also provide you with the utmost care.

Looking to start your weight-loss journey? Start it with us! https://www.universitybariatrics.com/your-options/gastric-bypass-thousand-oaks/

University Bariatrics